For four years, the skills investment plan has made it possible to identify 112,000 young people considered “off the radar”, and to remobilize some of them.
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!["733,000 young people, that would be the number of completely invisible 15-29 year olds", according to Claire Bernot-Caboche, doctor of education sciences. (Illustration) (GALINA ZHIGALOVA / MOMENT RF)](
In France, 1.4 million young people – between 15 and 29 years old – are neither in employment, nor in training, nor in studies, according to INSEE. But among them, there are those we call the “invisibles”. They are unknown to Pôle emploi and support structures, they are not included in any statistics. They may or may not have a degree.
The reasons for dropping out are multiple. School failure, harassment, death of a loved one, lack of glasses, problem with authority, difficulties with integration, money, cramped housing. The result is the same: it is isolation and suffering.
The objective now is to seek out these invisible young people, where they are.
In neighborhoods, rural areas, in market places, at bus stops. But it can also be on Twitch or video game forums. Since 2019, 300 structures – including 150 local missions – have received money from the skills investment plan to reach out to these young people, test or amplify innovative approaches.
“This is the first time that we are really asking ourselves the question of how we are going to seek out those who are furthest away, to mobilize themsummarizes Ahmed El Khadiri, general delegate of the National Union of Local Missions. It’s a reversal of method.”
Four years later, what are the results?
It is far from finished. But according to a first insight provided by the 4th evaluation report of the skills investment plan (fourth report of the scientific committee for the evaluation of the skills investment plan | DARES (, 112,500 young people were identified between 2019 and 2022. Mostly in Ile-de-France, in Hauts de France, in Paca. And to a lesser extent in Auvergne Rhône Alpes, and in the East.
Two thirds agreed to enter a mobilization phase. And half of them made it to the end. That’s 40,000 people. With the key, registration in a public employment service.
Is 112,500 young people identified in four years a lot?
For Ahmed El Khadiri, it is “a sacred victory, even if there is still a lot to do”. Claire Bernot-Caboche, doctor of education sciences, is much more mixed. “The result is low given the societal issue and the number of young people concerned”she says.
It estimates the number of completely invisible 15-29 year olds at 733,000. When questioned, the statistical services of the Ministry of Labor were not able to provide us with figures on this age group, the one specifically targeted by the skills investment plan.