Is it true to say that “88% of expulsions are not applied in France”, as LR deputy Pierre Cordier asserts?

After the murder of young Lola last weekend, the far right and the Republicans note that the main suspect, Algerian, was in an irregular situation in France, and that she is under an obligation to leave the French territory, an OQTF.

Several politicians criticize the government for being lax in terms of deportation. This is the case of the related deputy Le Républicains Pierre Cordier, invited Wednesday 19 in the morning on franceinfo, who affirms that “88% of evictions are not applied in France” : “Emmanuel Macron said that under the second term, there would be 100% applied, continued the deputy. So I wonder about the work that is being done on the ground with regard to these nationals.”

This figure is an argument very often used by the “right” part of the political spectrum. For example, during the summer, the boss of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, pointed to 90% of non-executed OQTFs. And this figure is false, because below reality. According to figures from the Ministry of the Interior cited in a Senate report: in 2020, only 7% of the obligations to leave the territory were executed, or 93% not executed. And for the first half of 2021, the most recent data, there were less than 6% of OQTFs, and therefore 94% of evictions that were not executed.

Why ? First there was the Covid-19 health crisis, during which the health measures put in place at the borders of the countries of origin slowed down the return of nationals from France. Before the health crisis, in 2018/20109, the OQTF execution rate was 12%, i.e. a rate that was still quite low. There are several explanations: first, foreigners who are the subject of an OQTF can appeal against this decision. Then, the police do not necessarily have the means to find all the deportees.

Finally, the countries of origin of the persons concerned are not necessarily very cooperative. Thus, to expel a foreigner in an irregular situation, the latter must provide a consular pass given by his country of origin, yet this document is provided in less than half of the cases. Countries do not play the game. In reaction, last year, France decided to restrict the visas issued to Algerians, Tunisians and Moroccans who want to come to France to force the governments of these countries to cooperate better when they are is to recover their nationals expelled from France.

In the process, Wednesday noon, Olivier Véran, the government spokesman, assured that the “level of compliance with OQTFs today is the maximum known level during Nicolas Sarkozy’s five-year term”. The spokesperson for the executive considers this level “not satisfying”but ensures that the government is working “relentlessly to ensure that the evictions can take place as soon as the arrests are pronounced”. Olivier Véran also acknowledges that the executive “must do better” regarding the expulsion of irregular immigrants.

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