“Is it really the time to cut ecology funds?” asks Marie Toussaint, EELV MEP


Video length: 9 min

France’s debt rating downgraded: “Is it really the time to cut ecology funds?” questions Marie Toussaint, EELV MEP
Degraded rating of France’s debt: “Is it really the time to cut funds for ecology?”, questions Marie Toussaint MEP EELV

Marie Toussaint, Europe Ecology Les Verts (EELV) MEP and head of the Ecologist list for the June 9 elections, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Monday June 3.

The rating agency Standard & Poor’s has downgraded France’s rating. The Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, assures that this will not change anything in the daily lives of the French. Marie Toussaint, Europe Ecology Les Verts (EELV) MP, does not believe it. “He announced budget cuts at the start of the year, he continues to announce new ones and what does that affect? ​​It primarily affects ecology. Is it really the time to cut ecology funds? And in solidarity?”explains the head of the list of Ecologists in the European elections, on the set of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Monday June 3.

Associations in charge of disability have launched several appeals and precariousness is exploding in France, recalls Marie Toussaint. For her, this is not the time to cut these expenses. “A motion of censure was tabled by a certain number of left-wing elected officials and environmentalists. [la motion déposée par LFI] will be put to the vote and the elected environmentalists will vote on it”, continues the MP. On the other hand, the latter will not vote on the motion tabled by the National Rally. If Marie Toussaint recognizes that it is necessary to make savings, it is first necessary, she says, “align budgetary objectives with climate objectives”.

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