Is it possible to slow down the concreteization of floors?



Video duration:
3 mins

Ecology: is it possible to slow down the concreteization of soils?

By 2050, the objective of the climate law is to achieve zero net artificialization of land. This means that we will have to stop concreting, while 57,000 hectares of nature disappear each year. – (franceinfo)

By 2050, the objective of the climate law is to achieve zero net artificialization of land. This means that we will have to stop concreting, while 57,000 hectares of nature disappear each year.

To produce, house and consume, the French are occupying more and more space. 57,000 hectares of nature disappear each year in favor of concrete. Today, the State says stop the artificialization of land. But this is easier said than done. Coudray-Montceaux (Essonne) comes in third position among the cities with the most construction since 2009, particularly for housing. “This lot was delivered at the beginning of the year”specifies the mayor who says she has no choice because it is necessary to offer low-cost housing.

Zero artificialization by 2050

By 2050, as part of the zero net artificialization system, the State is asking the city to no longer tarmac unless it renatures an equivalent surface area. However, it was the State which sold four and a half hectares of land to a developer, while the town hall preferred to turn it into housing and a green space. Limiting the artificialization of land is, however, an emergency as landscapes have changed significantly over the past 50 years. The port of Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) has expanded and been eaten away by concrete.

source site-29