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This is one of the star breakfast products: hot chocolate. Refuge value for decades, what is its nutritional balance? The France Télévisons teams investigated.
In a Parisian family, hot chocolate for breakfast is sacred. “It’s super good, even when there’s too much“, confides one of the sisters, Esther Guivarch. In the 16th century, Catherine de Medici would have been the first fan of hot chocolate. During the Second World War, it made it possible to comfort young and old. With the confinements, the French have rediscovered breakfast, and powdered chocolate is all the rage in supermarkets.
Some brands highlight the contribution of minerals or vitamins. What about? “We will nevertheless note that there are few additives, little fat, so it is still interesting. But depending on the brand, we can see a greater or lesser amount of carbohydrates“, analyzes Dr. Nina Cohen Koubi, nutritionist. There is 1 to 25 g of sugar per bowl, depending on the brand. But when you like… Jean-Paul Hévin, chocolate maker, gives his recipe: 30 g of chocolate, 20 cl of milk, and a hint of cocoa powder, to thicken.The whole is heated over high heat for one minute.