is he as popular as the queen?


Video duration:
1 minute

France info

Article written by

franceinfo – D. Ollieric, V. Meyer, D. Fossard, E. Noël

France Televisions

King Charles III and his wife Camille arrive in Paris on Wednesday September 20 for a three-day state visit. What reception will he have from the French compared to his mother, Elizabeth II, who was very popular?

First stop for King Charles III, Wednesday September 20, the Arc de Triomphe. His mother, Elizabeth II, came to lay a wreath in front of the tomb of the unknown soldier. While waiting for the king, Paris takes on a British air. But for the moment the French do not seem to be under the spell of Charles III. “He’s less popular, and it’s true that we perhaps like him a little less.” confides a woman.

Less passion

France, however, sees things big, with a state dinner in Versailles (Yvelines) on Wednesday evening. If the king triggers less passion, some want to give him the chance to reveal himself. “We’ll see if he’s a good king, if he does good things.”, says a woman. It is difficult to find a place in the hearts of the French after Queen Elisabeth, who knew how to conquer the crowds.

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