is France losing its standoff with the United Kingdom?




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A compensation plan for French fishermen who could no longer work in the United Kingdom is in the works. The government has tried to reassure the industry, which considers itself cheated.

For French fishermen without a license, this compensation plan sounds like a defeat in the showdown between France and the United Kingdom. To benefit from this compensation, the scrapping of the boat is necessary. A hard blow for French fishermen, who do not accept this solution. This plan, proposed by the Minister of the Sea Annick Girardin, aims to send between 40 and 50 million euros to private fishermen of license.

The President of the Republic was visiting Guise (Haut-de-France). The head of state tried to reassure French fishermen. According to him, this measure aims to protect them. For Emmanuel Macron, this is not a problem between France and the United Kingdom. The head of state says it is a European dispute and demanded that the European Commission defend the agreement signed between the French and the British.


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