Is France behind in terms of the employability rate for seniors?




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According to the Minister of the Economy, France is lagging behind its European neighbors on the employability rate of seniors. Is he telling the truth? We answer you.

For the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, France cannot be happy with the employability rate of its seniors. The country is a bad student compared to its European neighbors. “The employment rate for people over 55 is barely above 50% in France. It is 74% in Germany”, he protested at the microphone of France Inter. Indeed, France is quite low in the ranking. As regards the employment rate of 55-64 year olds, France finds itself below the European average, 56% against 62%.

Bruno Le Maire’s observation is therefore correct. “France, which was one of the countries with the lowest senior employability rate at the start of the 21st century, has partly caught up”, explains Philippe Crevel, economist and director of the Circle of Savings. In addition, the 55-59 age group is within the European average.

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