is France banning more pesticides?


Video length: 3 min

Draft orientation law on agriculture: is France banning more pesticides?

French farmers denounced overly restrictive standards on pesticides. On the 19/20 info set, journalist Louis Augry compares the figures for France and other European countries.


French farmers denounced overly restrictive standards on pesticides. On the 19/20 info set, journalist Louis Augry compares the figures for France and other European countries.

The draft orientation law for agricultural sovereignty was presented to the Council of Ministers on Wednesday April 3. It promises fewer constraints to produce more. According to farmers, France imposes too many standards, particularly on pesticides. According to data from the European Commission on the number of active substances authorized in Europe, “France is among the leading countries where the most pesticides are authorized”indicates Louis Augry, journalist from the “true or false” cell, on the set of 19/20 info.

303 substances authorized in France out of 441 in Europe

Thus, of the 441 active substances authorized at European level, 303 are authorized in France. “In France, we have a great diversity of climates and soils, so we produce a great diversity of productions. We need to have a much more developed repertoire”, explains Marc-André Selosse, botanist and microbiologist. According to him, French agriculture has developed, as in other Latin countries, without fear of the use of chemicals.

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