is Emmanuel Macron’s political intuition the right one?




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After Emmanuel Macron’s speech on May 9 at the European Parliament, Nicolas Tenzer, specialist in Russia and of the’Ukraine and Guillaume Klossa, founder of the Europanova think tank, debated on the 11pm set.

The two speakers notably returned to the proposal made by Emmanuel Macron to create a “European political community” in order to politically integrate Ukraine, whose accession would take too long.

For Nicolas Tenzer, if this is a way of saying no to Ukraine by offering it a secondary status, this is not acceptable. “I think that Ukraine on the strategic level, on the economic level, on the social level, on the level of values ​​would be a considerable asset for Europe. To close the way to the candidacy, that would be a historic fault”, he pleads hoping for a clarification from the French President.

For Guillaume Klossa, Emmanuel Macron’s political intuition is good on this community. “We need a strategy for this close environment” he says. Moreover, for himEurope must continue “to deepen their decision-making skills” in order to “to become a true transnational democracy”notably through a targeted reform of its treaties. “We must decide better together, more quickly like subjects on gas, on the Covid”he pleaded.

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