Is Covid-19 a source of significant mental disorders in infected people? This worrying study

We knew it, there is the long Covid, likely to make people tired, sick, without smell and without taste for several weeks or months. But now, following an American study, it is a whole new suspicion that comes into play and begins to worry.

Published this Wednesday, February 16 in The BMJ, and relayed by the New York Times, an American study shows that people who have contracted Covid-19 are significantly more at risk of developing mental health disorders in the future. For this survey, the researchers used 154,000 patients from the Veterans Health Administration who, as recently as two years ago, before their infection, had had no diagnosis of a mental disorder. But following the Covid-19, the figures are clear.

The investigation thus reveals that after contamination with the coronavirus an individual:

  • 38 to 41% chance of developing some form of stress and experiencing sleep disorders
  • 39% increased risk of being treated for depression
  • 35% chance of being affected by anxiety

Only people who have never contracted Covid-19. And this, in the months following the infection.

Indeed, if many French studies had already proven that the pandemic has impacted mental health. And in particular the fact of living in the midst of a health, social but also economic crisis. This new American study goes further. And seems much more disturbing.

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