Is Antoine Dupont’s return for the quarter-finals really reasonable?

Operated a week ago for his maxillo-zygomatic fracture suffered against Namibia, Antoine Dupont was authorized to resume physical activity on Friday.

For a week, Antoine Dupont’s health has been at the heart of all discussions. Eight days after the operation on his maxillo-zygomatic fracture suffered during the match against Namibia, one question remains unanswered: will we see him again wearing the tricolor jersey during the World Cup?

After “reassuring” news given on Thursday by the health manager of the XV of France, Bruno Boussagol, the green light was given on Friday September 29, by the surgeon who operated on him in Toulouse last week. His return to the group was indeed conditional on this check-up visit and the approval of his surgeon.

“Following the post-operative medical examination taking place on Friday, Antoine was authorized to resume directed progressive physical activity. This activity will be carried out under the supervision of the medical staff of the XV of France”announced the French Rugby Federation in a press release this Saturday.

A return to quarters that divides

If there is little chance that he will be present for the last group match against Italy, on October 6, the hypothesis arises for the rest of the competition. “We’re not looking beyond next week. For the quarter-final? We can’t ask ourselves that question yet. There are so many things to validate.” explained Bruno Boussagol on Thursday. In this case, his return would come only a month after his head-to-head collision.

A return which would not be reasonable, according to Alexandre Masson, maxillofacial surgeon and stomatologist, in Caen (Calvados). “On this type of fracture, for an average patient, we wait three months to be able to resume contact or combat sports,” explains this specialist. “It seems quick, even if everything depends on the location of the fracture, and other details of the file of which I am not aware. However, for high-level athletes, there are always adaptations, protocols which are never implemented for so-called ‘classic’ patients”, nuance Doctor Alexandre Masson.

For his part, Professor Hervé Benateau, head of the maxillofacial surgery department at Caen University Hospital, is more confident, while recalling that he too did not have access to the player’s medical file. “It’s not medically unreasonable, he believes. If he suffered another shock in the same place, he would just risk a new fracture that would have to be operated on again. It will not have consolidated, and the plates and screws that were placed on it may move, possibly tear off a little, but the aggravation would be slight in this case. With this type of fracture, there is no risk of severe aggravation, or in any case one that would be such that it could no longer be repaired.”notes the specialist. “Everything will also depend on his feelings and his possible apprehension”notes Hervé Benateau.

A mild concussion?

Another point raises questions, that of possible injuries linked to concussion. “The priority was his fracture, we were not able to assess his concussion at first. Hence the neurological check to see if Antoine is fit or not,” further assured Bruno Boussagol, specifying that this return would necessarily be “progressive”. According to the images of the shock during the match against Namibia, Alexis Demas, neurologist in Le Havre, believes that the concussion remains “light”.

“At no time does he lose consciousness or have signs of an epileptic seizure. Strictly speaking, yes there is a concussion due to the trauma to the face, with an impact at the skull and therefore of the brain, he analyzes. But given his musculature, he was able to absorb the shock and it is above all the problem of bone fracture which has taken over the problem of concussion.” In general, the return after a concussion takes place two weeks after the shock.

The mask, a serious option

Wearing a mask, regularly mentioned to encourage its return, would be an option more with a psychological aim than a truly protective one, according to Hervé Benateau. “The mask would not be of much use, because it will not be 100% protection. But I think it is better that he wears one to reassure him. Now let’s see the mask he could wear .”

On the side of the XV of France, “the question of the mask does not arise, said Bruno Boussagol, health manager of the Blues. This is not good timing. We haven’t yet discussed the subject with Antoine. I’m not necessarily in favor of it but if Antoine asks us, we will study the question.”

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