Irresistible Club Prize | The five finalists are revealed

The Irresistibles Club of Montreal Libraries unveiled this Thursday the finalists of the 15e edition of its annual award.

The five titles selected are A thousand secrets, a thousand dangersby Alain Farah (Le Quartanier), The Villages of Godby Emmelie Prophet (Inkwell Memory), The girl with the braidby Françoise de Luca (leaf merchant), Blizzardby Marie Vingtras (Éditions de l’Olivier), and Decisionby Karine Tuil (Gallimard).

These titles were chosen from the 577 literary favorites of Book Club members in 2022.

The 111 members of the jury have by the end of April to read them and make their choice. Last year, the prize was awarded to two novels that tied for the vote: kukumby Michel Jean, and Bettyby Tiffany McDaniel.

Created in 2007 by Marie-Anne Poggi, the Club des Irrésistibles des Bibliothèques de la Ville de Montréal was born as a local book club, before becoming an online club which now has thousands of members in Quebec, as well as abroad.

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