Irish manager Ronan O’Gara suspended for six weeks!

Ronan O’Gara was found responsible on Wednesday by the Disciplinary Committee National Rugby League (LNR). The referees N°4 and N°5 and the federal representative had reported the behavior of the Irish manager during the meeting against Lyon on September 10 at the Gerland stadium.

The commission found him guilty of “Action against a match official” and more specifically of “Disrespecting the authority of a match official”. It is the higher degree of the scale of gravity which was retained, that is to say a suspension of six weeks.

After taking into account the aggravating circumstance (disciplinary record), the penalty was increased by two weeks. Aggravation compensated by acknowledgment of guilt conducted before and during the hearing (penalty reduced by two weeks.

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Ronan O’Gara will be requalified on October 31 and will be able to return to the edge of the pitch when Stade Rochelais moves to Brive on the weekend of November 5 and 6.

Last spring, the Irish manager was suspended for two weeks for his attitude during La Rochelle’s victory over Racing 92 (19-0) on the 21st day.

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