Iris Mittenaere sexy at Coachella: bare buttocks and pink hair, she dares a very “futuristic” look

sculptural“according to Alexandra Rosenfeld (Miss France 2006), Iris Mittenaere turned into a manga princess for the Coachella 2022 festival. On April 16, 2022, the former Miss France elected in 2016 unveiled her futuristic look for the first day of the festivities.

Dressed in a black Mugler jumpsuit, this one has several areas of transparency that let you discover your body (and even your buttocks!). Very sensual, the pretty brunette wears two high pigtails and has dyed her hair pink. In caption of the various shots posted on Instagram, she writes: “Coachella day 1. Just came from the future” (“Coachella, Day 1. Fresh from the future“).

We love this look!“adds Flora Coquerel (Miss France 2014). Other Internet users have also congratulated the young woman for this very sexy outfit. “Bomb“, “This hair style suits you so well“, “Oh waouhhh but what a fabulous look!!! I like ! You’re vmt waouhhh!!!! And that pink hair suits you so well“, “Admirable Iris, a jewel“, “Mamamia bellissima“, “Beware American stars have competition“, “In Lara Croft, Tomb Raider mode“, can we read in the comments.

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