Ireland and France engage in a duel hanging at the top of world rugby (12-13)

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3:53 p.m. : A sick game!

3:49 p.m. : Irish try at the foot of the post on a forward action, Sexton converts against the poles, and here is Ireland leading 19-13 and this score seems quite logical given what the two teams are offering.

3:47 p.m. : Yellow card for Uini Atonio, the French pillar, who once ate three Big Mac menus when he went to McDonalds. The Blues find themselves outnumbered for the next 10 minutes after a shoulder hit on an opponent that turned into a buffet stop.

The Blues are still leading, but it’s hanging by a thread. We play the 25th minute, felt 70th.

3:44 p.m. : We can see that these are the two best teams in the world!

3:44 p.m. : Another huge scare in the French defense when Jonny Sexton breaks through the defense again but is caught in extremis by the French defenders! We are very, very, very hot in this breathtaking first period!

3:42 p.m. : I don’t know if the two teams will keep up the pace for the remaining 60min, but it’s breathtaking, exciting!!

3:41 p.m. : @Marius I find you severe, doubt can benefit the attacker for lack of convincing image…

3:41 p.m. : Irish try a little doubtful, the foot touches the lawn outside before the ball … but the referee has decided

3:40 p.m. : champagne rugby today… very, very high level… come on blues

3:42 p.m. : Response from the Irish shepherd to the French shepherdess with a magnificent corner try from James Lowe that Damian Penaud does not manage to push into touch in time! We left on incredible rugby bases! Test validated after 347 video views, the referees hesitated.

You won’t need 347 viewings to see that it’s a great rugby game! 13-12 for Francebut Ireland are just a breath away, 20th.

3:35 p.m. : The test against! Superb, more than three like that and we’ll be quiet!

3:35 p.m. : A match that keeps its promises, isn’t it?

3:37 p.m. : The trial at the end of the world for the Blues! Magnificent ball comeback, they started from their 22 meters with a magic relay from Anthony Jelonch which shifts Damian Penaud and his canes of fire! The tricolor winger who spins even faster than Philippe Bernat-Salles puts in the wind what remains of the Irish defense, and that’s the job! 13-7 for the Blues !

3:32 p.m. : The France team is still in the game, thanks to a penalty from Thomas Ramos, which reduces the gap to .

3:28 p.m. : @Korrigan29 Don’t put yourself in such states! The XV of France was not the favorite of the bookmakers to achieve the Grand Slam this year because of this trip to Ireland (and generally because the calendar of odd years is not favorable to us). We should still be careful not to take a suitcase, because there is a chance of falling on Ireland in the quarter-finals of the World Cup this fall, in France.

3:27 p.m. : The match has barely started and I’m already stressed!!!!!!

3:26 p.m. : After a first alert with a pounding of the blue defensive line by close play, the Irish find the flaw in the blue defense thanks to Hugo Keenan who flattens in the tricolor goal after a magic pass from a partner.

Converted essay, 7-3 for the XV of Clover from the 11th minute.

3:22 p.m. : Come on Blues. Discipline, courage, imagination….it’s going to be a great game

3:22 p.m. : A mammoth kick from Thomas Ramos on a penalty and here are the Blues who lead 3-0 from the 6th minute. Comment heard at the editorial staff: “if I hit the ball, it does not go past the opposing forwards”. It’s a job, what do you want.

3:20 p.m. : @citizen You will have to get used to it, like the countries that play this game, the referees are overwhelmingly from the Anglo-Saxon world. There is thus only one French referee selected for the 2023 edition.

3:20 p.m. : How can you win with an English referee!!!!

3:17 p.m. : It will not have escaped you that there are two Ireland but only one rugby team: we therefore play a song for Northern Ireland and another for Eire, just to favor no one.

3:17 p.m. : Why are there 2 anthems in Ireland? Thanks in advance !

3:15 p.m. : Let’s go for this final before the letter between the Blues and the little green men (who are in fact big and strong)! Ireland-France 0-0 !

3:12 p.m. : You will recognize known faces among the Irish, with a hinge of Murray-Sexton grandpas who have accumulated around 200 games together.

3:11 p.m. : Hello Pierre, I’m going to do some wishful thinking. Victory over the tricolor 35-33 ?

3:11 p.m. : 27-31 for France

3:10 p.m. : In light of last week’s performance there is cause for concern for the Blues

3:09 p.m. : A French victory 29-27! No doubt a tight match!

3:09 p.m. : 37-25 for Ireland.

3:16 p.m. : We recall that the Blues of Fabien Galthié have never lost against Ireland, and that the last defeat of the XV of Clover at home was against the Blues two years ago. Good, remains the form of the moment, with a laborious victory for the French last week in Rome and a health walk for the Irish in Cardiff.

3:07 p.m. : Your predictions for this summit meeting? The optimism team is represented by Boris Jullien (victory of the Blues 23-15) while the pessimists are legion in our ranks (Raphaël Godet 35-17, Mathilde Goupil 17-12, Benoît Zagdoun 33-10 and me 27-16). We therefore hope that the Blues will make us lie.

3:02 p.m. : Hello Mathilde, hello everyone! From strong to the program with the two best nations in the world for a kind of final before the letter of the Six Nations Tournament! Do not hesitate to make your comments rain like so many candles in my 22 meters.

3:02 p.m. : I welcome in this direct Pierre Godon, who will make you live the meeting between Ireland and France, in a few minutes. Our live can be found here.

2:14 p.m. : To wait, you can already read these two articles:

• Our report to the supporters gathered in the pubs surrounding the Aviva Stadium, in Dublin


• Our decryption on how Irish third line Josh van der Flier became the best player in the world(JOE GIDDENS / MAXPPP)(JOE GIDDENS / MAXPPP)

2:10 p.m. : A shock of the titans to the tunes of the final before the hour. For its second match of the Six Nations Tournament, at 3:15 p.m., the Blues travel to Dublin, where they will face an XV of Clover, winner of 18 of their last 20 games. You can follow the match live. (LORRAINE O’SULLIVAN / AFP)

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