Ireland | A truck rushes to the gate of the Russian Embassy

(Dublin) Un homme a été arrêté et une enquête ouverte lundi après qu’un camion a foncé sur le portail de l’ambassade de Russie à Dublin, a indiqué la police irlandaise.

Publié à 12h58

L’incident a eu lieu en début d’après-midi dans le sud de la capitale, selon la police.

« Un homme a été arrêté et […] is currently in custody,” police said, “investigation is ongoing.

Images relayed on social networks show an imposing truck, bearing the logo of a company of religious objects, rushing in reverse on the gate of the embassy, ​​breaking the doors.

No injuries were reported.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, many protesters regularly gather outside the Russian Embassy in Ireland in support of Ukrainians.

On Friday, one of the demonstrators, a Catholic priest, had thrown red paint on the doors of the diplomatic mission while he was being interviewed by national radio.

Some opposition leaders have also called on Irish Prime Minister Micheal Martin to sack the Russian ambassador, but Mr Martin refused to make such a move, arguing that it would jeopardize Ireland’s ability to help its citizens in Russia.

Moscow demanded on Monday the “adequate” protection of its diplomatic representations in France, after reporting an “attack” with a Molotov cocktail against one of its cultural centers in Paris.

The Russian House of Science and Culture was targeted overnight from Sunday to Monday by the jet of an “incendiary device” which crashed against the gate of the building, without causing any casualties, according to a police source.

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