Iranian players refuse to sing their national anthem, as the country is rocked by protests against power

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2:23 p.m. : It’s a few minutes past 2 p.m., it’s time for our update on the news:

• The Minister of Labor revealed to the social partners his decisions on the reform of unemployment insurance, after a consultation which began in October. Franceinfo explains everything you need to know about the new compensation rules for job seekers.

• The Zaporijjia nuclear power station, the largest in Europe, was targeted by new strikes this weekend, again raising the specter of a nuclear accident. Franceinfo explains what we know about the situation.

• At the start of the match against England, the players of the Iranian team refused to sing their national anthem. Since September, Iran has been shaken by a protest movement against the regime.

• The Pyrénées-Atlantiques department has been placed on orange alert for the risk of heavy rain and flooding.

2:03 p.m. : During the kick-off of the match against England, thehe players of the Iranian team refused to sing their national anthem. A symbol, while the country has been plagued by uprisings for several weeks.

1:50 p.m. : In any case, no breakdown for Internet users who want to follow the meeting with our sports department. The match starts at 2 p.m. (PHIL DUNCAN / AFP)

1:44 p.m. : Good luck to this gentleman trying to calm everyone down ?

1:42 p.m. : Ouch ouch ouch… Small problem a few minutes before the start of the match between England and Iran. Many English and Iranian supporters do not have access to their ticket, due to a “computer problem”tells us Raphaël Godet, our reporter on the spot. “At this door alone, there are 200”he notes.

1:28 p.m. : It’s time for our best-of, here are the contents not to be missed on our site:

• Many associations are concerned about the situation of the most precarious in France. It’s the Restos du Coeur’s turn to sound the alarm. “We have never experienced such a situation”alarmed their president Patrice Douret.

Winter is coming, but will the French nuclear power plants restart in time? Our journalist Brice Le Borgne explains everything in infographics.

Qatar has found the parade to talk about him for good. Our special correspondents in Qatar, Raphaël Godet and Pierre Godon tell you how the country has won over supporters to promote it on social networks.

12:06 : Ding dong, it’s noon. Here are the titles that may feed your discussions in the canteen:

• During a meeting at the Ministry of Labour, the government announced to the social partners a reduction in the duration of unemployment benefits by 25% from next summer. A reform “just and necessary”according to Bercy.

• The balance sheet increases in Indonesia. A 5.6 magnitude earthquake killed at least 46 people and injured 700 on the island of Java, according to authorities in the city of Cianjur, the most affected.

• Faced with the threat of “sporting penalties” of Fifa, the seven European selections who planned to wear the inclusive armband “One Love” gave up their project. France had already left the initiative last week.

• Thomas Ruyant won the race in the Imoca category, after 11 days 17 hours and 36 minutes of navigation. He won this morning, ahead of Charlie Dalin, after a thrilling final.

12:06 : @Kevin: Figures published by Mediametrie show 5.13 million viewers yesterday afternoon, against 3.98 million in 2018 for the start of the World Cup in Russia. However, beware of hasty conclusions, because the opening match played four years ago took place on a Thursday afternoon, and not a Sunday.

11:53 : Hello, do you have figures on the audience of the opening match? Is there a boycott effect?

11:33 am : Initially part of the “One Love” initiative, France had already announced, through the voice of its captain, that it would not wear this armband. “Before doing things, you need the agreement of Fifa and the Federation”explained Hugo Lloris, last Monday.

12:07 : “We were ready to pay applicable fines in the event of non-compliance with the rules on equipment. (…) But we cannot put our players in the situation where they could be warned or even have to leave the field.”

Players who wore this armband against discrimination risked a potential yellow card, because competition regulations require captains to wear “the armbands provided by Fifa”.

11:25 a.m. : Germany, England, Belgium, Denmark, Wales, the Netherlands and Switzerland say they have given up on having their captains wear the “One Love” armband, while saying “frustrated” by the inflexibility of Fifa.

(Sebastian Gollnow / DPA / AFP)

12:07 : The seven European selections who planned to wear the inclusive “One Love” armband announce that they will give it up in the face of the threat of “sporting penalties”.

11:16 a.m. : @cyclo_ecolo: The air conditioning was activated yesterday during the opening match, despite the evening wind, as reported by RMC. Hot (and cold) reaction from a supporter of Ecuador: “We had our feet frozen. We covered ourselves with our flag.”

11:15 a.m. : Hi there. Do you know (…) if the air conditioning has been turned on in the stadiums? A quick look at the weather forecast indicates temperatures of 22 to 28 degrees…

10:56 : When we talk to you about Iran, you probably think more of the protest movement against the regime which has been going on since September and is facing bloody repression than of their participation in the World Cup. This is also the case for some of the players who, through symbolic gestures or on social networks, have made it clear that they support the demonstrators. I explain to you why they will therefore be scrutinized when they enter the field against England (at 2 p.m.), in their country and in the rest of the world.

Iran team striker Sardar Azmoun dressed in a black parka, in which some Iranians have seen a sign of mourning linked to the protests in the country, before a match against Senegal in Mödling (Austria), on 27 September 2022. (JAKUB SUKUP / AFP)(JAKUB SUKUP / AFP)

10:24 a.m. : “We players, what we are asked to do is play the pitch, respect our country and its federation as much as possible. There are different worthy causes that must be supported, but it is Fifa that organizes the competition. .”

10:24 a.m. : Hugo Lloris responds to the controversy over his refusal to wear the “One Love” armband, in LGBT colors and aimed at promoting inclusion. “Fifa organizes the competition, sets a framework”he has just justified in a press conference.

08:57 : Hello @Leprechaun. Indeed, you can exclude messages about the World Cup in Qatar (or any other news) by clicking on the corresponding hashtag at the top of the live broadcast. You will then have to select “exclude”. However, several Android users reported to us yesterday a bug with this option on their application, we are working to fix this problem.

08:57 : Hello FI, maybe you could remind your readers how to deactivate the information concerning the world, in your live?

08:30 : Qatar has found the parade. Since the mainstream media didn’t seem to see his many strengths, he ended up outsourcing his World Cup after-sales service to influencers whom he nurtured, housed and pampered. And it did not fail: several French people were approached. Our investigation with Pierre Godon.

Qatar has won over supporters to promote its FIFA World Cup on social media.  (JEREMIE LUCIANI / FRANCEINFO)(JEREMIE LUCIANI / FRANCEINFO)

07:27 : Many of you, in the comments of the live, question the treatment of during this World Cup in Qatar. The organization of this competition followed by hundreds of millions of people arouses lively controversy. We have chosen to cover the sporting aspect of the event but also to highlight the aberrations – ecological, economic, societal and sporting – represented by this World Cup organized in the middle of the desert thanks, in particular, to the work of our reporters on site. Find all of our topics on the issue by going to the “Le Mondial des aberrations” page.

07:21 : How is it that the World Cup is still on the front page of your site compared to other news…

07:21 : Hello, are we still going to have the right to dozens of articles, notifications and news on the live concerning the World Cup? It is absurd that this information is processed by your services despite the many articles you have written about it! Where is your consistency?

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