Iran unveils new medium-range missile

(Tehran) Iran unveiled a new medium-range ballistic missile on Thursday during a military parade commemorating the Iran-Iraq war, state television said.

Posted at 7:34

“The liquid-fueled Rezvan ballistic missile has an operational range of 1,400 km,” television said while broadcasting images of the missile on a military vehicle.

The Rezvan missile was presented in Tehran during the annual parade of the armed forces to commemorate the start of the war with Iraq (1980-1988).

“It is a precision ballistic missile that penetrates the atmosphere at eight times the speed of sound,” announced General Hossein Salami, the head of the Revolutionary Guards, the ideological army of the Islamic Republic. , quoted by the official agency Irna.

According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Iran has around 20 types of ballistic missiles as well as cruise missiles and drones. Their capacity varies. The Qiam-1 has a range of 800 km while that of the Ghadr-1 can reach 1800 km.

According to this British research institute in international relations, the priority in terms of armament for Iran is now the precision of its missiles.

In February, the Revolutionary Guards announced the creation of Kheybarchékan, a medium-range missile capable of “hit targets within a radius of 1450 km”.

source site-59