Iran tests solid-fuel rocket

(Tehran) The Iranian Revolutionary Guards have “successfully” tested a rocket whose engine is solid fuel and can carry satellites, said Thursday evening the head of their aerospace department.

Posted at 8:41 a.m.

The Ideological Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran released the video of a successful test – according to it – of the rocket’s main propulsion engine. This test dates from last week, according to this source.

“This is the first time that Iran has used a solid-fuel rocket rather than a liquid-fuel rocket used in the past two years,” General Amirali Hajizadeh was quoted as saying by Iranian news agency Irna. .

“Iran can now send more satellites into space,” he added.

Solid fuel rockets can be used by mobile launchers, while pure solid fuel rockets are mainly related to ballistic missile systems.

“The new Iranian satellites are made of non-metallic composite bodies with stationary thrusters, which will further increase the power of the rocket and reduce costs,” assured the general quoted by Irna.

Iran announced on December 30 the launch into space of a rocket carrying three space research devices, immediately provoking American protests. The next day, Tehran had indicated that this launch had failed.

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