Iran has made concessions, says US

According to a senior American official, Tehran notably abandoned its request to block certain inspections of theInternational Atomic Energy Agency.

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One more step towards an agreement. The United States announced on Tuesday August 23 that Iran had made concessions on key points, reviving hopes of a return to the 2015 nuclear agreement, even if they still have not given their formal response to the Iranian proposals.

According to a senior American official, Tehran notably abandoned its request to block certain inspections of theInternational Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), an ultra-sensitive subject on both sides, without however specifying which ones.

“In addition to the restrictions on the nuclear program that Iran would have to implement, the IAEA would once again be able to oversee the most drastic inspection regime ever.”, the official said on condition of anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the negotiations. He added that international inspections “would remain in place for an indefinite period” if agreed.

The Iranian nuclear negotiations, which began 16 months ago but which had been suspended and then resumed in early August, aim to save the international agreement concluded in 2015 with the Tehran regime by the five permanent members of the Security Council of the UN (China, United States, France, United Kingdom and Russia) plus Germany, from which Washington withdrew with a bang in 2018 under the presidency of Donald Trump.

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