Iran demands US return to nuclear deal

(Tehran) Tehran wants an irrevocable return of the United States to the Vienna agreement on Iranian nuclear power, concluded in 2015 between the great powers, and that Washington make amends for having withdrawn unilaterally three years ago.

” It’s clear. This country must ensure that no other US government can flout the world or international law and never repeat what it has done “by withdrawing from the multilateral agreement it had signed, Monday told the press the spokesman of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Saïd Khatibzadeh.

“The United States must recognize its responsibility in the current situation, that it reconsider what it did and that it definitively lift the unjust and illegal sanctions which it took after its withdrawal from the nuclear agreement” in 2018 under the presidency of Donald Trump, continued Mr. Khatibzadeh.

Interrupted since June, negotiations on Tehran’s nuclear program to relaunch a historic 2015 agreement – drastically limiting Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for easing economic sanctions on the country – are due to resume on November 29 in Vienna.

The countries still involved in the agreement (Iran, Germany, China, France, United Kingdom, Russia) will meet in the presence of European negotiator Enrique Mora.

According to Mr. Khatibzadeh, however, there is no question of the United States participating directly in the first phase of future negotiations, as the latter are “no longer members of the agreement”.

And as long as “the Islamic Republic cannot ensure that the illegal and extraterritorial sanctions of the United States are completely and effectively lifted, after verification and guarantees required, Iran will not stop its compensatory measures”, he added. he added.

After the American withdrawal from the pact followed by the reinstatement of sanctions against it, Tehran gradually abandoned its main commitments.

Mr. Khatibzadeh also announced that the head of Iranian negotiators would be Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri. The latter must go this week to London, Paris, Berlin and “perhaps to Madrid”, he said.

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