invited to the “12 noon shots”, Vanille, the daughter of Julien Clerc, is tackled on Twitter!

This Wednesday, September 7, Jean-Luc Reichmann offered a nice surprise to viewers of “12 noon shots”. During the blow-by-blow test, the host announced the arrival of Vanille, the daughter of Julien Clerc, on the set. “Ladies and Gentlemen, she is a gifted French singer with a pretty crystalline voice, I had the chance to meet her. Vanille is a fantastic singer and for years she has bewitched us with her mixed folk and pop. I would like us to welcome her because she is doing a totally personal, totally moving tour.“, announced the companion of Nathalie Lecoultre who then evoked the musical universe of the daughter of Julien Clerc.I have origins from Guadeloupe and Corsica so you have an islander with a strong character in front of you“explained the singer. “Dad was an inspiration to all this? Then asked Jean-Luc Reichmann. “The French song of course I have always bathed in it since I was born so it is also an inspiration for me.“, confirmed Vanille.

The young woman then interpreted “Follow the sun” released in 2019. But the performance of Julien Clerc’s daughter did not really convince the viewers who expressed themselves on Twitter. “Can you sing yourself? No, but my dad is Julien Clerc…”, “#Les12coupsdemidi so there it’s swabbing as rarely it’s been so ridiculous #vanilla it’s a disaster but it’s the daughter of…”, “This is where we see that Carla Bruni still has a beautiful voice”, “Vocal art: Vanille se fraise en direct”, “I would be curious to know what @JL_Reichmann really thinks when he receives this kind of lousy artist”, “I cut the sound it was so hellish at the time”, “I would not like to be unpleasant Jean Luc, your singer Vanille is nice all you want but she has no voice!”, “She sings out of tune… The disaster“, can we read among the comments posted by Internet users.


See also: Jean-Luc Reichmann upset sends a message to his mother

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