Invited in TPMP to discuss the health crisis in schools, a professor dezing Sarah El Haïry!

All the unions representing National Education are calling for a strike this Thursday, January 13, 2022. The goal? Get the government to react to its mismanagement of the health crisis in schools that remain open despite the scale of the fifth wave of Covid-19 in France.

Guest on the set of Do not touch My TV Wednesday January 12, 2022 Sarah El Haïry, Secretary of State in charge of Youth and Engagement, therefore spoke with Benjamin Amar, a professor and trade unionist visibly very upset against the government.

“You say that children should not be left behind, abandoned them, and so on. But you know what ? I have 60% absent among my students at the moment. What is educational continuity when you have 40% of your students? “, asked this professor of history geography. And to add: “In my establishment, there are 130 positive cases. […] There will be the unions of heads of establishments who are on strike with us. I’ve been a teacher for 25 years, I’ve never seen that! “, he noted while the deputy remained silent in the face of these statements.

“I received five fabric masks at the start of the school year… They were finally withdrawn from circulation because they should not be used too much because they were perhaps not too good for your health… Basta , the rest makach walou ”, deplored Benjamin Amar …

A message that obviously did not get through since the very evening of its passage in Do not touch My TV, Sarah El Haïry posted the following tweet: “Schools in France have closed half as much as in Germany, three times less than in Italy. Every day without school, there is a risk of dropping out, less learning, more inequalities. We know how difficult the situation is, but we do not want to make education an adjustment variable. “

Lisa Ziane

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