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Can we make the third age a business? Rental investments in nursing homes are presented as safe, profitable investments, but they are now in the sights.
Buying a room in a retirement home has been a business in constant expansion for twenty years, and a profitable investment with annual returns of 4 to 6%. But this investment raises ethical questions, because this financial windfall sometimes hides an unacceptable reality for residents and caregivers. In question, the permanent search for savings.
The sector is largely financed by public funds. But today, one in five establishments is private for profit. It is this category that has been particularly singled out in recent days. The pressure of profitability sometimes leads to excesses, according to Cyrille Chatrier-Kastler, wealth advisor: “All this is done at the expense of service, of the attention given to residents in retirement homes.” Despite recent scandals, the sector seems to have a bright future ahead of it. To meet the needs, it will be necessary to create 100,000 additional places in the next ten years.