Investigation opened after violence inside Eric Zemmour’s meeting

(Bobigny) An investigation was opened into “the acts of violence committed inside the meeting” of the far-right polemicist Eric Zemmour on Sunday at the Parc des Expositions de Villepinte (Seine-Saint-Denis), said Monday the Bobigny parquet.

The investigations are divided into two investigations: one relates to violence against SOS Racisme activists present during the first public meeting of Mr. Zemmour’s presidential campaign, the other on those targeting the candidate by an individual who l ‘grabbed before entering the scene, said the prosecution.

They are carried out by the Departmental Security, which will analyze in particular the videos of these two sequences, broadcast on social networks.

The entourage of Eric Zemmour indicated on Sunday evening that he suffered from a wrist injury and had been prescribed nine days of temporary interruption of work (ITT) after being grabbed by the man, immediately exfiltrated then arrested by the police.

Violence also erupted at the start of the speech of the far-right candidate when a dozen SOS Racisme activists present in the public unveiled T-shirts comprising the slogan “no to racism”.

They were beaten and targeted by throwing chairs, according to the video released by the anti-racist association.

Several chases took place at the back of the room to exfiltrate them, in great confusion. The situation returned to calm after about ten minutes.

A member of the candidate’s security spoke of “some exfiltrated anti-fas militants”, accusing them of having wanted to stir up trouble.

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