“Intransigent and “vigilant”, the inhabitants of Clichy-sous-Bois judge the appointment of their former mayor, Olivier Klein, new Minister of the City

In this PMU bar-tabac, a few minutes from the Chêne Pointu district of Clichy-sous-bois where Olivier Klein grew up, the appointment of the mayor to the post of Minister Delegate for the City and Housing does not impress Hamid: “In fact, we don’t calculate it too much. We are really city people, we really grew up there”. This resident is not unhappy that the elected 55-year-old is called to other functions. “Look at the city…”, he throws. And when we talk about the transformation of the city, Hamid replies that “It’s not him who did that. It was the former mayor, Claude Dilain, who had already started things already”. According to him, Olivier Klein “takes advantage”.

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Under the mandate of this child of the country who also chaired the National Agency for Urban Renovation (ANRU) since 2017, Clichy-sous-bois, one of the poorest cities in France, has nevertheless benefited from the biggest plan of development ever conceived in France: 621 million euros which notably enabled the arrival of the tramway in 2019, a swimming pool, a conservatory, new housing. A good result, recognizes Élise, another resident: “Everything was fine. To see what he will do behind for the city of Clichy.” She expects the new minister not to forget his constituents.

First a member of the Communist Party, this history-geography professor joined the PS in 2006. After fifteen years in the socialist camp, Olivier Klein approached then supported Emmanuel Macron. In the voluntary sector, Mohamed Mechmache, the founder of the ACLEFEU association (Collective association freedom equality fraternity together united) welcomes this appointment and hopes that the mayor will have the levers to be able to work: “On issues of social justice and city policy, housing, I hope that he will be surrounded in his cabinet by people who also come from these neighborhoods, who have know-how, who have the codes too. “

“We will be vigilant, simply to challenge our minister Olivier Klein, to also remind him that what he was doing as mayor, he must do as minister. And for all the districts of France, he there is an emergency.”

Mohamed Mechmache (ACLEFEU)

at franceinfo

“The most difficult remains to be done”, concludes Mohammad Mechmash. Some are waiting for the minister at the turn. Some socialists because in 2020 the party had withdrawn his nomination during the municipal elections due to the presence of a LREM deputy on his list. “Hope you don’t forget where you come from.” tweeted after his appointment Mathieu Monot, first federal secretary of the PS in Seine-Saint-Denis.

“I could tell you with a smile: until now, the government used Clichy-sous-Bois to carry out urban safaris, to experience the thrill of the suburbs without offering anything for the next day, Mathieu Monot quips. Let’s hope that with the mayor of Clichy-sous-Bois, they stop tourism and finally move on to practical work.” “We will be intransigent”he finishes.

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