Interview with N.Sarkozy, aid to the public hospital, interreligious summit for peace… The informed of franceinfo on Sunday October 23, 2022

Around Olivier de Lagarde, the informed discuss the news of Sunday, October 23.

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Reading time : 1 min.

The themes

Nicholas Sarkozy. The former President of the Republic suggests an agreement between Les Républicains and Emmanuel Macron. What is its purpose ?

Public hospital. The Minister of Health François Braun announces the release of 150 million euros for “hospital services under strain“, especially in paediatrics.

Interfaith Summit for Peace. In Rome, Emmanuel Macron considered that religions have a role to play in the situation in Ukraine.

Witness assisted. Former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe placed under assisted witness status in the investigation into the management of the Covid-19 crisis. Should justice interfere in politics?

The informed

David Boery, columnist in the Economy and Social Department of France Télévisions.

Alexia Germont, president and founder of the think tank France Audacieuse.

Carbon de Seze, lawyer at the Paris staff.

Nathania Cahen, editor-in-chief of Marcelle “alternative Marseille media”.

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