Interview with Afida Turner: “People don’t imagine that I suffer when they see me in fishnet stockings and a latex bodysuit”

France Sunday: After your first show “Requiem pour une conne” which you have played more than thirty times, you are back on stage and a hit with the piece “Abracafida”… how did the idea for this second come about? show ?

Afida Turner : We liked “Requiem pour une conne” so much that my director (Baptiste Souriau) asked me to make a music hall, an “Afida Turner show”. I was very motivated. When I returned to the United States, he sent me the text for “Abracafida”. And I thought that was really good! Benjamin Martin, the other actor present on stage with me, came to the house for a tea time. We read the text and the next day we were on the boards! It was gone! Because you have to know that I never repeat! I’m lucky to have an elephant’s memory!

Initially, we were only supposed to do 3 dates because the show was not planned and the Treviso theater had already completed its programming. Thierry Manciet, the director of the room, gave us our chance and hop, given the success of the play, he rescheduled the show for other dates in April!

What is the show about?

It’s a music hall where I talk about the stories of Afida, who is tired of singing Etienne of Guesch Patti and who is trying to come back with a new contract and a new hit. But totally crazy anecdotes happen to her: each time she does a club, it is nice to explain in the technical sheet that Afida drinks cold champagne and eats sushi with wasabi, and at each performance, the champagne is hot and they forget the wasabi! What is true besides in reality!

This show is a bit like the story of my show business, with the good and bad sides. Telling my stories a bit, my first contracts, why I didn’t go to “Star Academy” with Jenifer… Always with my humor and my way of doing things!

What music do you perform on stage?

I sing the hits from my first album (Not the one you believe, bad girl, rest in paradise) and new songs like Come with me, born an angel And Etiennea song I hear about every day!

Etienne is indeed a huge success on social networks and on music platforms. Why did you choose to cover this song?

It was a song that I liked when I was young. I was already very sulfurous and I liked to listen to this music, to put myself against the wall with my fishnet stockings. I thought she really stuck to my skin. And then it’s a song in my voice register, a bit “broken voice”.

Did you have the opportunity to meet Guesch Patti?

Well no ! But I would have liked! I would have asked him to do a choreography for me. She’s a real dancer!

Other covers are sung?

There will be other covers like light the fire by Johnny Hallyday. On stage, I sing my songs and covers of songs that we all loved when we were young. Today, it’s hard to find producers who write catchy songs like Etienne Or light the fire. So might as well take the songs of our great French idols and honor them!

Beyond singing, you are also an actress… who did the Cours Florent. Has comedy always been part of your career?

Yes, I have always liked to play and have fun. I started in H on Canal +, then recently I played in the film Black light by Enguerrand Jouvin, where I play a gynecologist. But don’t worry: there will be other films!

Except on C8 (at TPMP and Chez Jordan), you are rarely seen in the media… Why?

I don’t appear on the radio or in the media, yet the play is a hit and the rooms are filling up! I think some media have trouble inviting me, when there is no one like me in France!

And then, you have to know that we have no marketing budget. It is the fans themselves who do my communication and my promotion!

You have a special bond with your audience, which has followed you for more than 20 years… In your opinion, why are your fans still so loyal?

Because they know that I am very sincere, that they know my heart and my story. For them, I am a kind of trophy, I give them hope. At least that’s what they message me. They know that I struggled, that I took the train and that I came to Paris. Hairdresser, singer, boxer… many recognize themselves in my background. It’s not as if I was the bobo, the little bourgeois produced by mom or dad, that we see everywhere on TV or on the radio!

On the personal side, how have you been since our last interview?

The disappearances of Coolio and Ronnie have been very difficult for me to live with. I almost ended up in the psychiatric hospital because I couldn’t get up and kept screaming their names. I was totally on the ground and I wondered, “Why? »

People don’t imagine that I’m in pain when they see me in fishnet stockings and a latex bodysuit. But they don’t know that when I get back to the hotel, when I take off all these tricks, I scream and I’m on the ground, moaning and crying. People say it’s okay, but it’s not possible.

Are you surrounded?

Fortunately, I had the chance to be surrounded by the singer Lââm or even Sandrine Diouf who came to see the show. I asked them, “How did you manage to survive?” Because I lost the people I love the most in the world! »

On a daily basis, there are few people around me, but they are all extraordinary. And then I can count on the support of my incredible fans since 2002!

Are you still in the United States?

I left Los Angeles because staying there without Ronnie Turner (Tina and Ike Turner’s son) is not possible! I packed my bags and left for Florida. I will only return for professional reasons.

Speaking of professional reasons… do you have any other plans for the future? New adventures planned?

The “Abracafida” show continues! I go on tour throughout France and abroad. I play in particular in Belgium, France and Germany! Then I will present a show on the legends of the 80s at the Zénith d’Amiens, where I will also have the opportunity to sing!

Do you have any album projects?

A new song is due out in June! To be continued…

Interview by LR

Bio express… in 5 points

  • The public discovered her in 2002 in the loftthe first French reality show broadcast on M6.
  • She has been in a relationship with Coolio, Mike Tyson and Ronnie Turner.
  • Singer, actress trained at Cours Florent, fashion designer… she has several strings to her bow!
  • Since 2020, she has regularly appeared on Cyril Hanouna’s show TPMP as a columnist.
  • Sultry and frank, she caused a sensation at each of her media appearances.


“Abracafida” at the Treviso Theater

Address: 14 Rue de Trevise, 75009 Paris

Telephone: 01 45 23 35 45

To book :

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