Interview | Fitzgibbon says he is ready to face “the headwinds”

If the year 2022 has not been easy for Pierre Fitzgibbon, the minister seems more optimistic for the one to come, even if big announcements risk jostling it.

What do you remember from 2022?

When I look at the results of our government’s first term, we unfortunately had two and a half years out of four with a fairly serious headwind. There has been a lot of stress for our ministry. I have always said that I was happy to see that the federal government had done a very good job in terms of the social safety net. We were able to focus on the business net. Loans of more than 1.6 billion have been granted, pardons of several hundred million. There obviously, there is a headwind coming. It’s undeniable. Inflation – and all that comes with it – took us by surprise. But at least we are entering a more difficult period – recession or not – with some financial health. The other, more positive thing is the re-election of the CAQ.

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