Interview | 10 questions for Mitch Garber

Every Friday starting this week, someone from the business community will reveal themselves in our section. This week, to kick off the column, investor, philanthropist and businessman Mitch Garber answers our questions.

What is your best and what is your worst habit?

I get up early in the morning, around 5:30 a.m. I take it very relaxed. I take two hours to read my emails and the newspapers. It’s time to myself before meetings, calls, and get-togethers. My worst habit is not making important decisions sooner. For example, when I know that a person is not the right one for a position, I wait too long before making the best decision for them, for me and for the company. I often should have made the decision sooner rather than later.

What do you do when you need to come up with an idea?

Life, business and sport have one element in common: surrounded by the best, you usually achieve the best results. You should not isolate yourself in a room alone. I really enjoy sharing thoughts.

Who do you admire in the business world?

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Jeff Bezos. I admire those people who give a lot, who are grateful for their position in life, and who feel a moral and social responsibility to redistribute wealth in part because of their good fortune.

How do you unplug?

I got my first BlackBerry in 1999. If I’m guilty of one thing, it’s that the phone is never more than six inches from my hands. I don’t write emails when I’m talking to someone, but I’ve never activated a message to say I’m out of the office for 15 days without access to my emails. I never went a day without responding. This may not be a good thing, but it’s the truth.

What advice would you give to the younger version of you?

I would first tell him that he won’t believe where he will get to in life and in the business world. I never thought I would have the success I have had. So I would simply say to him: “Let yourself dream. »

What app can you no longer live without on your phone?

Probably Twitter, Unfortunately. Because I want to take social positions that are important to me. I am open to debate, but on Twitter, Since I am not a journalist or a paid columnist, my opinions and thoughts are pure. I could be wrong. But my thoughts are not about satisfying a boss or an agenda or getting money. And 90% of my tweets are written in French even if my followers are more English-speaking.

What activities do you do outside of work?

I play several sports and do them often (hockey, golf, tennis, surfing, snowboarding, etc.). I also often take trips with friends. I have a very active social life. So a lot of dinners, evenings and galas for philanthropy, in particular. These things relax me a lot. But I don’t feel too stressed, because I’m very passionate about what I do. So I don’t really have to find ways out.

Your best investment?

Playtika (mobile games) remains the best investment I have ever made. The company was sold for 4.4 billion in 2016. I am also one of the founders of another company called Paysafe (formerly SureFire). We made this company a great success too. On the proud side, it was when David Bonderman asked me to be part of the ownership group of the Seattle Kraken, in the National Hockey League. There are few things that give me as much pleasure as being part of this group.

A good boss is someone who…

This is someone who wants you to succeed and grow. This is not a person who micromanages or shouts. It’s someone who respects your ideas and gives you the opportunity to grow in an organization.

The ideal retirement?

We have two fears in life. Health and finances. So the perfect retirement is to have no financial worries and be in good health.

Who is Mitch Garber?

• Born in 1964 in Montreal, Mitch Garber is the father of two children and lives in Montreal.

• Holder of a Bachelor of Arts from McGill University (1986) as well as a law degree (1989) and an honorary doctorate (2017) from the University of Ottawa

• Appointed Member of the Order of Canada in 2019, investiture took place in October 2022

• Shareholder in a dozen companies, in addition to having stakes in around twenty others and interests in around twenty investment funds, most of them outside the country

• Member of the management committee and minority shareholder of the Seattle Kraken, of the NHL

• Former Chairman of the Board of Directors of Cirque du Soleil and Former Chairman of the Board of Directors of Invest in Canada, the agency responsible for foreign investment in the country

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