Interventions with people in crisis: New continuous training for police officers

New continuing training will be provided in 2022 by the National Police Academy to patrollers already in service. Entitled “Response in disturbed mental state (REMP)”, it is intended to be a response to the deaths of people in crisis shot by the police and proposes a real reform of the operational model of police intervention. This initiative of the Sûreté du Québec is now mandatory for all members of the police force.

The Sûreté du Québec has mandated Dominique Éthier and Nicolas Jobin, two experienced force employment instructors, to set up specialized training that would lead to a decrease in the number of deaths during police interventions, particularly with people in crisis.

“The breaking point in our case was that there were 13 investigations carried out by the BEI at home. [à la SQ] since 2016 ”, explains Nicolas Jobin, who two years ago began a real work of introspection on police interventions by identifying what were the gaps leading to dramatic situations. The two men thus embarked on a work of research and analysis of studies, coroner’s reports and training already in place in terms of de-escalation.

From their reflection a few months ago, a new operational model of police intervention was born which constitutes a real change of culture: from the first seconds of the intervention, it is now a question of better planning to avoid physical confrontation and gain time. Dominique Éthier specifies that “the [REMP] develops the ability to work effectively under intense stress. In accordance with the main recommendations of coroner Luc Malouin, the police must act differently, calmly and while saving time, by establishing contact, ”he explains.

“Until now, according to the national model of use of force, the person in front of us had to cooperate at the request of the police officer. Now, we are doing the opposite: it is up to the police to adapt to the intervention he faces, ”adds Agent Jobin.

By analyzing the use of force model, officers Éthier and Jobin realized that an adequate assessment of the situation by the police was often what was lacking in interventions in which a civilian lost his life. .

“The determining factor was stress management and self-control. A way had to be found to help the police officer to stay alert while retaining his analytical skills. We found a solution. We call it the ROOT: “Breathing, Observation, Obstacle / barricade and Distance time” ”, explains Dominique Éthier. Instructor Jobin speaks of the inversion of the notion of time. “Before, the faster we were, the more we felt we were taking control of the situation. But now, we realize that the more time is in our favor, the more we are able to intervene properly. The crisis has a time, it cannot last ”, he indicates, while being aware that this change of course can be difficult to integrate for some police officers of experience.

“I have been telling my police officers for ten years:“ clear, logical orders repeated as needed ”or even“ Land acquired, land gained ”. There, we arrive with a totally different discourse. Society has evolved, our clientele has changed. We have to adapt. Otherwise, we will have problems, ”explains Agent Jobin. “We want to save lives, save careers,” he says.

For the two instructors, it was essential to transform the way of thinking of police intervention with cases of mental health of front-line patrollers since the first seconds of intervention are decisive according to them. “It is on the front line that we have to transform the way of thinking about police intervention. With mentally disturbed people, it plays out in the first few seconds you arrive, depending on how you plan to avoid physical confrontation and save time. The confrontation from the start of the intervention meant that even a person specializing in crisis intervention could not come and do his work adequately, ”indicates instructor Éthier, while recalling that the police mandate is above all to provide security. places.

Compulsory continuing education?

The REMP training consists of an online portion followed by two days of practical courses. The SQ has made REMP training compulsory for all its police officers and hopes to have trained all its staff within the next few years. “We trained almost all of the SQ force use instructors. It’s getting underway right now. There are positions that have been fully trained and others that are in the process of doing so “, specifies Dominique Éthier, who makes it a point of honor to also train managers and directors” so that they have the same way of working. ‘to intervene “.

The SQ and the National Police School of Quebec (ENPQ) are about to sign the agreement that will allow police officers from all police forces in Quebec to follow this training on the Nicolet campus. Other police forces could follow suit if they so wish.

The ENPQ communications manager, Véronique Brunet, recalls that “compulsory continuing education is a recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Police Reality”, whose report was released last year. “But it is the prerogative of the Ministry of Public Security to establish or not this new requirement,” she said.

The Quebec Ministry of Public Security did not respond to our requests for interviews.

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