Internet users very disappointed, the casting of “Dancing with the stars” does not pass!

The appointment is made on September 9 at 9:10 p.m. Date on which Camille Combal, as well as the jury composed of Chris Marques, François Alu, Bilal Hassani, or Marie-Agnès Gillot, will kick off the new season of Dance with the stars. A season that has not yet started and yet does not fail to react. Whether for the casting, or the many departures including those of Maxime Dereymez, Denitsa Ikonomova, or even Christian Millette.

The last two also seem very close despite their departure from the tele-hook of TF1. Close in everyday life, they do not hesitate to tease each other and display their accomplice daily life on social networks. The one who won Dance with the stars repeatedly proved it on August 15 by posting his friend on Instagram when they went to Croatia. While Christian Millette tried to speak to his sidekick, this one did not give him the time once. A situation that did not fail to amuse the protagonists who made the choice to reveal the scene in their respective stories.

Stars… not well enough known

Amused, Denitsa Ikonomova reacted by writing: “He is not happy because I do not calculate it”. A moment of humor that undoubtedly made Internet users and fans of the two dancers smile. On the other hand, these same fans were a little less happy when they discovered the four new cast members of this season. If Amandine Petit still received a warm welcome in the comments under the publication of the account of Dance with the starsit was not the same story for the other three…

The singer Carla, the actor Thomas Da Costa, and the singer Stéphane Legar have indeed been announced by the teams of DALS. If they are known to the general public, this does not seem to be the case for the majority according to the many negative comments. “I don’t know him”, “dance with strangers”, “who is it”, “a star… that I don’t know”dropped some about the three candidates, in addition to Amandine Petit, announced this Tuesday, August 16.

See also: “Sensual or even sexual scenes”, Katrina Patchett more candid than ever behind the scenes of “Dancing with the stars”!


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