Internet users take up the question posed by a high school student to Emmanuel Macron about his ministers accused of rape

A question that spreads. On Twitter, several Internet users decided, on Saturday June 11, to resume as it is the question posed by a high school student to Emmanuel Macron about his ministers accused of rape, during his trip to the Tarn: “You put at the head of the state men accused of rape and violence against women. Why?”

During a visit to Gaillac on the theme of security in rural areas, Emmanuel Macron was indeed arrested, Thursday, June 9, by an 18-year-old woman on charges of sexual violence against members of the current government. freedom of speech, “I accompanied her and I will continue to accompany her, to protect her. At the same time, to function in society, you must have the presumption of innocence”he then replied.

The case did not end there. According The Dispatchthe high school student, named Laura, received the next day at the high school the visit of the gendarmes. “They interrogated me for ten minutes. I held the president’s hand until he answered me. We’re not going to make a fuss about it. Maybe this wasn’t the place for my intervention, but it was an opportunity”, explains the interested party on a daily basis.

Late Friday evening, the Tarn gendarmerie explained on his Twitter account. “Our action was simply aimed at taking into account this person, who had presented himself as a victim, to offer him to collect a possible complaint, or failing that to offer him help, support or a relay to meet local associations for him. assist”she justifies herself.

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