Internet users struck by their resemblance!

At the end of 2021, Jean-Luc Reichmann has decided to be very present on social networks. The host of the 12 blows of noon posted on December 27 a photo alongside his mother Josette. “The most beautiful day spent by the fireside alongside the Snow Queen who goes up the slope. We never let go, Mom“, he wrote in caption. A last sentence which evokes of course the health problems which affect his mother.”Mom is 87 years old. As a great singer once said, ‘it goes and it comes back‘. But for now, it’s okay“, explained the companion of Nathalie Lecoultre to the journalists of Gala. And to add: “We take advantage of every moment. Until then, it’s fine …“He also took the opportunity to tell how he planned to spend these holiday season.”We’re going to spend the Christmas holidays together. I will go down to Montastruc-la-Conseillère, near Toulouse, to spend the holidays with her“, he confided to our colleagues.

Jean-Luc Reichmann poses next to his grandmother

Despite his 61 years, Jean-Luc Reichmann is still lucky to have his grandmother by his side. And the host and actor wanted to immortalize his reunion with Georgette. “We unmasked ourselves just to let appear the smile of Mamie Georgette, born in 1921, to wish us to Toussss, with a smile of benevolence, and Love, a very, very beautiful end of the Year 2021”, he wrote in the caption of the cliché posted on social networks.

On Twitter, many Internet users have pointed out the joy that emanates from the photo but also the resemblance between the granny and her grandson: “What a joy to see you with your Grandmother who must be so happy to see you in such difficult times… you bring her a lot of love and attention which warms the heart “,” The resemblance is striking! Happy new year 2022 to both of you! “,” What a resemblance… !! happy end of year holidays“.

To see also: “A good blow of club”: Lolita Séchan, the girl of Renaud, announces a bad news

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