Internet users in shock and divided in the face of his last post!

On February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin made the decision to invade Ukraine. Since then, the death toll on the territory has continued to grow. A heavy situation that forces the rest of the world to hold its breath. Ready to do anything to put an end to this murderous madness, Joe Biden then spoke on March 2 before the American Congress in Washington. ” Although he can advance on the battlefield, he will pay a high price in the long run […] He doesn’t know what awaits him “, had declared the 46th president of the United States of America. ” If dictators don’t pay the price for their aggression, they cause even more chaos.”, he added. And to continue: “We are stifling Russia’s access to technology that will sap its economic strength and weaken its military for years to come” […] “When the history of this era is written, Putin’s war on Ukraine will have left Russia weaker and the rest of the world stronger. “.

Supported by Western leaders, the Ukrainian people are trying, somehow, to hold on. Faced with these terrible events, celebrities are also doing their best to show their support. Sylvie Tellier, Arthur, Carla Bruni, Laeticia Hallyday or even Patrick Bruel. Many stars have taken a stand. For his part, Franck Dubosc remains discreet. However, his last post has just unleashed passions. A weapon in hand, the famous 58-year-old actor talks about the benefits of this activity. A post that sparked strong reactions. ” Think well of Putin when you shoot “advised one of its subscribers. ” The guy feels that it’s starting to stink another said. But that’s not all. We could also read: Franck is getting ready to help the Ukrainian people”, “Training, you never know” or ” Ready for Moscow”.

Other Internet users, meanwhile, did not really appreciate this ” propaganda”. “Not very smart to show you how to do that “, was indignant a user of the Instagram application. ” Compared to what is happening in Ukraine you scare me “added an admirer. But also ” there are means other than firearms “. There is no doubt that Franck Dubosc did not expect such a reaction from his followers.

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