Internet users accuse him of using Photoshop as his results are stunning!

After letting go for a while, Benjamin Castaldi has been following for several years now, a rather strict diet. Ambassador of “Comme j’aime”, the host has bet on these food programs in order to lose weight sustainably. “Diets I’ve tried tons and tons. But eating your salad and your chicken every day, it quickly becomes boring. While there I was not breaking my head wondering what I was going to prepare Personally, I often yo-yoed, I could gain like lose 10 kg in a few months. There, I manage to stabilize myself “ he told Le Parisien in 2019 about his new appearance.

And to add: “I’m approaching fifty, it’s now that I have to be careful! Beyond my dietary restrictions, I do a lot of sports, I maintain […] I didn’t have a fairly blatant transformation like Laurent Ournac. I lost three trouser sizes and two jacket sizes, but it’s still classic. This is also why many were able to identify with my change”.

Benjamin Castaldi displays his abs: the photo that makes people react strongly
Since that date, the father of four boys has kept himself in top shape and has a slim silhouette… and prominent abs! This Tuesday, July 4, 2023, Benjamin Castaldi indeed shared on Instagram, a new photo of him in which he appears shirtless. The black and white shot reveals his well-drawn abs and the columnist who has just announced his departure from the show “Touche pas à mon poste”, boasts of being “ready for summer”.

Enough to make his subscribers react strongly who, shocked to see his musculature, suspect him of having retouched his photo before publishing it: “Photoshop”, “Nice editing”, “Photoshop, no?”, “We’ll believe it…”, “It’s true at least?” can we for example read.
Fortunately, others did not hesitate to compliment him for his proud appearance: “Bravo, beautiful metamorphosis”, “bravo it’s a great job”, “Purée with “like I like” it sends heavy, congratulations for your perseverance”, “Congratulations if the photo is not a photo montage”.


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