International Women’s Day | Inspirational women and challenges

What inspires you on March 8? On this International Women’s Day, The Press offers you articles on personalities with exceptional backgrounds.

Posted yesterday at 12:00 p.m.

At the front, from yesterday to today, Ukrainian women

It is in the same spirit that March 8, International Women’s Day and one of the main holidays of the Soviet Union, has also fallen by the wayside for many Ukrainians. In an effort of de-Sovietization. But that does not prevent Olena Bilozerska from campaigning for even more progress for women in the Ukrainian armed forces.

Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette: The one who ignites the spark

Which female personalities inspire readers of The Press ? Many of you responded to our appeal to all. For Marie-Pierre Lefebvre, Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette is “the one who ignites the spark”.

Buy in all complexity

“Has anyone ever decided that ‘girls’ stuff’ is going to be hard to buy? That’s kind of the impression it gives. This is the question asked by our columnist Marie-Ève ​​Fournier.

women too

What place is given to trans women in the celebration of International Women’s Day? Do they feel seen and heard, both on this day and in feminist discourse in general? The Press posed these questions to the principals concerned.

women in power

On November 7, five of the ten largest cities in Quebec (Montreal, Longueuil, Gatineau, Sherbrooke and Saguenay) elected female mayors. After many corruption scandals that brought to light many politicians with a similar profile, being a woman – better yet, a young woman with an unblemished reputation – suddenly no longer worked against them.

Louise Bureau: falling into humor

For ten years, it was the main supplier of gags to the most popular comedy show in Quebec. She is a pioneer in an environment that still has too few women. Meeting with a comic author who still knows how to make people laugh.

Make your place in a man’s world

Once the preserve of men, the world of finance sees more and more women at its head. Here are five of them, with atypical backgrounds, who rose through the ranks of the major Canadian banks thanks to their hard work, their creativity, their ability to adapt and their networking.

Great interview with Sophie Brochu: “Cracks in the glass ceiling”

Sophie Brochu topped the list of the most inspiring women in Quebec, according to an in-house survey of readers of The Press, a month ago. We caught up with the CEO of Hydro-Québec to discuss the responsibilities and challenges that this female role model entails.

It’s not fast enough, but…

No, it’s not fast enough. But on this International Women’s Rights Day, columnist Philippe Cantin begins by celebrating breakthroughs that would have been hard to imagine ten years ago.

How to change the representation of women in the sports world?

This is a large and complex question. There are as many answers as speakers. We put the question to some of the journalists of The Pressas well as to our readers.

Feminine exploits

The last sporting year was that of women in Quebec. From the Olympic Games to the offices of sports organizations, passing through the ice, the lawn, the water, the boxing rings, they are the ones who have shone. They are the ones who won the medals and the championships, and they are the ones who broke the glass ceilings. Back on their exploits.

Six ways to improve the lives of Quebec women

“How can we improve the lives of women in 2022? “, asked The Press to six Quebecers from various backgrounds. Simple daily gesture or ambitious project requiring government investment, here are their suggestions.

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