International Law and Morals | The duty

In the best of worlds, morality or ethics should be the basis of interstate relations. But this is not the case, and this is certainly seen in the case of the current war in Ukraine; a war that is manifestly contrary to international law; the latter prohibits all war, except in the case of self-defense, which obviously does not apply to Russia.

International law tries to civilize international relations. With relative success, it must be noted; for example, the UN proves powerless to stop the war in Ukraine. If the leaders of States have no moral sense, no respect for the life and dignity of the person, international law does not apply, and only the balance of power counts. It is then the domination of the animality of man and of the weapons that he loves to produce so much.

The progress of humanity in all areas cannot be achieved without solid moral foundations. The Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are such bases. It is still necessary to respect the letter and the spirit of these major international legal texts. Unfortunately, this major objective has not yet been achieved by governments. We must not despair, despite appearances to the contrary. If not, what is left?

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