International Festival of Asian Cinemas in Vesoul

France Bleu Besançon partner of the International Festival of Asian Cinemas which takes place from February 1 to 8, 2022 in Vesoul.

The 28th International Festival of Asian Cinemas (FICA) presents a “Look at the Cinemamas of the silk roads”, under the sponsorship of UNESCO, from February 1 to 8, 2022 at the Majectic and at the Edwige Feuillère Theater in Vesoul. Discover around twenty films from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Iran: films, documentaries, previews, animated films, films for young audiences…

France Bleu Besançon partner of the International Festival of Asian Cinemas. From January 24 to February 8, listen to Côté culture to discover the FICA.

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On the sidelines of the Festival

As an introduction to this journey on the Silk Roads of Central Asia, the FICA invites you to come and discover the exhibition of works of the Turkmen painter Gurbangeldy Meredow, at La Chapelle de l’Hôtel de Ville de Vesoul.

A restore point, the Bambouseraie, festive and friendly space adjoining the cinema which offers menus, starters, main courses and desserts, soups, sandwiches and drinks every lunchtime and every evening, open every day of the festival from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Theme evenings are also organised.

On Sunday February 6, 2022 takes place the traditional cinematic lunch in honor of the festival guests. Lunch is open to all, by reservation with the FICA reception team in the Majestic hall from Thursday February 3, 2022.

The complete program of the International Festival of Asian Cinemas can be browsed here:

Health information

The reception of the public takes place in the strict compliance with the health protocols in force at the time of the event, in agreement with the prefectural authorities. Our teams are at your disposal to guide you in your travels and accompany you. the Vaccine Pass is required at the entrance to the cinema and other festival areas (Théâtre Edwige Feuillère, Espace Villon, etc.). A system of bracelets makes it possible to reduce the wait induced by these checks. the Wearing a mask is compulsory in all closed places. Hydroalcoholic gel is available. If more severe and restrictive measures are subsequently decided, they will of course be applied.

Useful information

International Festival of Asian Cinemas
25, rue du doctor Doillon
+33 3 84 76 55 82
Email: [email protected]
Visit the website

Visit the FICA Facebook Page

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