international community skeptical after Russia’s announcement of a 36-hour ceasefire

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Very cautious reactions from the international community. The Russian announcement of a ceasefire in Ukraine on the occasion of Orthodox Christmas “will do nothing to advance the prospects for peace”, British Foreign Minister James Cleverly said Thursday, January 5. US President Joe Biden said on Thursday that Vladimir Putin was looking for “to give oneself air” with this ad. Such a truce will only bring “neither freedom nor security” in Ukraine, abounded the German diplomacy. The Russian president on Thursday ordered a ceasefire for the Orthodox Christmas of January 6 and 7, the first major truce since the start of the invasion almost a year ago. Follow our live.

Ukraine considers the ceasefire “just an excuse”. The Ukrainian president has blasted the unilateral ceasefire announced by Vladimir Putin for Orthodox Christmas, which he says is only a “apology in order to at least stop the advance of our troops in the Donbass and bring equipment, ammunition, and bring men closer to our positions”. “What will be the result? No more deaths”, he asserted.

The United States and Germany will deliver tanks. To express their “common determination” to support Ukraine, the two countries will send armored infantry, of the Bradley type on the American side and of the Marder model on the German side, according to a joint communiqué from the White House and the Chancellery in Berlin. Germany has also undertaken to provide a Patriot anti-aircraft defense battery, as the United States has already done.

Russia says it is open to a dialogue with Ukraine, subject to conditions. Moscow claims to be “open to dialogue” with Ukraine on condition that the latter accepts the “new territorial realities” born of the Russian offensive, President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday. During a telephone conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Russian President “repeated that Russia is open to a serious dialogue – provided that the authorities in Kyiv comply with the well-known and repeatedly expressed demands”according to a statement from the Kremlin.

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