Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin is elected in the North

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin won the second round of legislative elections this Sunday in the 10th district of the North. He got 57.52% votes against Leslie Mortreux, candidate for Nupes, who won 42.48%.

“The inhabitants of Tourcoing and the Lys Valley have just elected me with 57.52% of the vote! A big thank you to them who thus reward our local presence and our national political will”writes Gérald Darmanin on his Twitter account.

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The former mayor of Tourcoing finds a constituency in which he was already elected deputy in 2012. But he will not sit in the National Assembly. Gérald Darmanin remains Minister of the Interior in the government of Elisabeth Borne. It is his deputy Vincent Ledoux, the outgoing Agir deputy who will occupy the chair.

Conversely, the Minister of Health Brigitte Bourguignon, beaten in the 6th district of Pas-de-Calais, will have to leave the government.

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