Real estate loan rates fall below 4%. Is now the time to buy? Or is it better to wait?
Reading time: 2 min

Interest rates in real estate are starting to decline after two years of rising. Is it time to embark on a real estate transaction, should you hurry to buy or wait? Advice from Fanny Guinochet.
franceinfo: Should we continue to wait, hoping that it will drop more?
Fanny Guinochet: So already, the good news is that interest rates have fallen below 4%, on average over 20 years we are at 3.80, which offers opportunities for buyers, which It wasn’t there until a few months ago. So why wait… You can always take out additional formulas, or if rates fall, you renegotiate your loan to adapt it to market fluctuations.
So to summarize, it’s not in our best interest to wait?
Let’s say that there is always a risk because credit rates are in fact linked to inflation, which has certainly slowed down very sharply in recent weeks, but which, let’s not forget, remains largely correlated to the situation geopolitics. Geopolitical situation which is quite fragile.
Because if tomorrow the international situation becomes a little more tense, if for example there are problems in the Red Sea which increase or growth in China deteriorates, inflation risks starting again and rates with it. So if you have sufficient funds, it may be interesting to look for a home loan from a bank today.
Especially since at the moment, after months of tightening the screws, they are rather more receptive. You should therefore have an easier time submitting your application. Obviously, if your file is at least solvent and serious.
Why are banks more open now?
Because by being too cautious, the banks were slapped on the wrist by the authorities, which seized up the market. So for example, did you know that if you are refused credit, you now have the right to request a new examination, a second chance from your establishment. Obviously, if you are looking for a loan, we remind you, we always rely on competition.
Finally, at the moment, it is also interesting to buy because we are still in a period of flattening prices. So it depends on the region, of course, but the sellers have rather understood that they no longer have control, the control is more for the buyers. You can negotiate. For all these reasons, now may be the right time to get started.