intensified checks in stations


France 2

Article written by

D. Olliéric, A. Gaucher, S. Guibout, L. Lavieille – France 2

France Televisions

With 208,000 positive tests in 24 hours, Olivier Véran no longer speaks of an epidemic wave but of a tidal wave. In this context, train trips associated with New Year’s Eve attract the attention of the authorities.

A ticket, a mask and a health pass, these are the three conditions for taking the train. If the travelers do indeed all wear a mask, many have never presented their health pass. With three million travelers during the holidays, the SNCF had yet announced an increase in controls. “We are going to strengthen the checks at the platform, we are going to go from 1 train in 4 to 1 train in 3, with more staff to control these sanitary passes”, announces Christophe Fanichet, General Manager SNCF Voyageurs.

Controls, there are nevertheless at the Montparnasse station in Paris, carried out by agents wearing blue chasubles. Those who have shown their sesame at the station can go faster with a blue bracelet. “We are even more controlled on the passes than on the tickets”, smiles a traveler. According to the SNCF, less than 1% of people checked do not have a health pass. To save time, you can check in online with your train ticket.


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