According to a note from territorial intelligence, which franceinfo was able to consult, despite the announced family and “good-natured” atmosphere, the security services are warning of the presence of “detractors”, particularly in Paris.
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In the midst of protests over pension reform, in 2023, more than 700,000 people marched in France for May 1, according to the Ministry of the Interior, or five times more than in a typical year.
This year, the intelligence services anticipate a return to a classic mobilization, between 120,000 and 150,000 demonstrators in the country, with fairly classic fears in terms of security, linked to current events. In total, 270 gatherings are announced across the country.
In a note that franceinfo was able to consult, the intelligence services recall the character “family“that the May 1 processions take on, with their batches of children and retirees, but do not hide the risks of overflow. The police particularly remember the 2023 edition, “punctuated with damage (…) and virulent actions by extremist movements”. “The 2024 demonstrations promise to be more peaceful”predict the editors of the note, with probable “casserolades”, these concerts of good-natured casseroles.
“Detractors” of the Olympics and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
The security services remain on standby for possible radical protest movements – between 400 to 800 violent elements possibly in Paris – who could come and mingle with Labor Day. Among the points raised for this May 1st day, that of “relaunch of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict [qui] could also be invited to Parisian Labor Day“: “The pro-Palestinian movement could take advantage of this to increase the number of processions”it is written in the note.
Another point: presencedetractors” of the Olympic and Paralympic Games a few months before the start of the competition, or the fact that some farmers can organize targeted actions, because their protest movement has not died out.
Surveillance and image capture by drones in Paris
The Paris prefecture also indicates that it has issued an order authorizing the surveillance and capture of images by drones of the Parisian demonstration, considering in particular that “the demonstration will be held in a tense international and national context likely to attract a plurality of slogans and demands“.”It is necessary to ensure the security of this gathering, to prevent attacks on people and property“, also explains the decree.
The CGT, FSU and Solidaires called on April 4 in a joint press release to demonstrate throughout France, particularly against austerity, for employment and wages. “After record participation in 2023, the 2024 edition seems to mark the return to traditional mobilizations, with a more festive and family character“, according to this same source.