Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the Socialist Party/Place Publique list in the European elections, was the guest of “Demain l’Europe”, Friday March 29.
Reading time: 51 min

Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the Socialist Party/Place Publique list in the European elections, was the guest of “Demain l’Europe”, Friday March 29. Taxation, free trade, war in Ukraine, migration crisis, the left… He answered questions from Agathe Lambret, Jean-Rémi Baudot, Renaud Dely, Adeline Percept, correspondent in Paris for RTBF and Magnus Falkehed, senior reporter for the Swedish daily Aftonbladet.
Ukraine, “we must integrate it into the European Union”
Guest of “Demain l’Europe” Friday on franceinfo, Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the PS-Place publique list in the European elections, believes that“We must integrate Ukraine into the European Union, but this will not be done in two minutes, it is a long process“.
“Ukraine must reform, must integrate what we call the acquis communautaire, on issues of corruption, oligarchy (…) And on the other hand, the EU itself must reform. If we integrate Ukraine, that will not happen, for example, with a constant Common Agricultural Policy. We must reform the CAP”he explained.
Unemployment insurance reform, “not fair”
The head of the PS-Place publique list in the European elections also reacted to the announcement of a new reform of unemployment insurance by Prime Minister Gabriel Attal. Raphaël Glucksmann condemns this strategy: “When we are looking for money, the fact that the French government has unemployment insurance as its first target and the fact of going to attack the rights of the unemployed, it is not fair and it is not effective”.
Asylum and migration pact, “I will vote against the majority of texts”
Raphaël Glucksmann will vote “against the majority of texts” of the asylum and migration pact in the European Parliament in Brussels on April 10 while his parliamentary group supports this pact. “This legislative package was supposed to respond to the chaos of European migration policies, it imposes filtering and repressive measures on entry into the European Union but it absolutely does not impose solidarity and a common migration policy,” regrets the head of the PS-Place publique list and current MEP for the Social Democrats.
Liberalism, “I was 25”
“I can clearly see the attacks. They are all targeted at statements I might have made when I was 25“, declares the 44-year-old essayist. But “people evolve”, he responds to the rebels who accuse him of carrying a liberal program. The MEP explains that his former “liberal philosophical convictions collided with the debt crisis, with what happened in Greece.” Thus, Raphaël Glucksmann claims to have gone from “philosophical liberalism to the awareness of the aporia of neoliberalism”. He recongnizes “to have been able to believe in the 2000s in this world which was opening up, in this globalization” and “opening markets would lead to global growth”. But, he concludes, this led “to deindustrialization, to the weakening of social contracts in our nations, and to ecological catastrophe.”
Find the entire “Tomorrow Europe” from Friday March 29, 2024: