Insults, death threats, mortar fire, the inhabitants of a housing estate in Gerzat live “hell”

It is a very peaceful looking development. However, for three years the residents of “Champfleury” in Gerzat have lived in fear and in the sandstone of the incivilities and acts of delinquency of a dozen individuals.

Despite multiple complaints, filing of handrails and alerts to the mayor of the town, nothing changes. During the night of Sunday to Monday the situation would have even seen a dramatic turn. His home targeted by mortar fire and broken bottles, an owner took out his rifle and fired in the air to ward off individuals who were attacking his house: “They told us they were going to kill us both with my wife explains Jean_*. My wife took me inside with my gun. She did well because, panicked as I was, it could have gone further._”

No one wanted to listen to us – Huguette, resident of Champfleury

Since that evening, Huguette, Jean’s companion, has been unable to sleep: “I feel bad. Besides, I can’t get used to the idea that my husband has come to pick up a gun. No one wanted to listen to us. No one wanted to hear us” repeats Huguette, voice choked by sobs.

Dozens of complaints and letters to the authorities

Before the mortar fire and this gunshot fired by an exasperated neighbor, the residents suffered rodeos, insults and repeated death threats. On Roland’s desk, handrails, filing of complaints and letters to the authorities have been piling up since 2019: “The national police are doing their job. We thank them because as soon as we call them they are there. They help us at their level but they are overwhelmed. The fact that the Gerzat police station closes at 7 p.m. does not help us to solve the problem“.

Let the mayor come to the housing estate – Roland, resident of Champfleury

The anger of residents of Champfleury focuses on the mayor of the town. According to them, Serge Pichot has only minimized the problem for three years by speaking of “conflict of generations”. “Today we would like the mayor to come to the housing estate, continues Roland. Let him come and reassure people and show them what he intends to do. He must fulfill his role and be at the service of his fellow citizens“.

Daily patrols for a month will be set up

Contacted by the editorial staff of France Bleu Pays d’Auvergne, the mayor of Gerzat acknowledges that on the events of the weekend “we went up a notch” compared to “repeated incivilities”. In connection with the DDSP (Central Directorate of Public Security) Serge Pichot promises the establishment of daily evening patrols for a month in the Champfleury sector. A video surveillance camera could also be installed at a strategic point.

*All names have been changed

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