insulation, essential to protect yourself in hot weather




Article written by

F.Vallet, R.Mathé, G.Gheorghita, S.Lacombe – France 3

France Televisions

To protect yourself from heat and very cold temperatures in winter, you have to make sure you insulate your house properly. Report from a couple in Seine-et-Marne.

For the construction of their home he five years ago, Chessy (Seine et Marne)Vincent Deneuville and his wife Marie Odile had a priority: insulation. With the repeated heat waves, they do not regret their choice. They earn more than 6°C thanks to optimal insulation. For this, they installed 22 cm of insulation on the roof, as well as for the walls. They also installed an insulating slab on the floor, as well as an airlock at the entrance to prevent hot air from entering the house.

No radiator, no air conditioning in this house, which is called a passive house. The overhead is 10% at 20% compared to a conventional construction. However, this additional cost is quickly recouped. In electricity, we are at 100 euros per month, all inclusive“, believes Vincent Deneuville. However, this technique is difficult to implement everywhere, because it takes up space, which is not suitable for housing with smaller surfaces.

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