Insufficient indexing

The consumer basket is exploding! In December, 4.8% inflation, a 30-year-old record. We understand, because it’s a special year with everything that’s happening on the planet. The pandemic, the fires, the floods, the breakdown of the supply chain, etc. All this makes it more expensive, that’s obvious. The government then recognizes that it must not be easy for people who already live on little. In his great wisdom, our Minister of Finance is healing the wounds of people living in poverty. Between $200 and $275 in bonuses for everyone who receives a solidarity tax credit.

As for him, the indexation rate of social assistance also reached 2.64%, the highest rate in ten years! With all these bonuses, our thinkers can hope that the people at the bottom of the pyramid will be able to survive the increases. Without wishing to be in bad faith, we strongly believe that these gentlemen know that this is not enough. We agree, $275 over 12 months is just $22.91 per month. The indexation of social assistance is almost half the inflation rate of 4.8% calculated in December 2021. And the cost of several food items will increase further this year, according to the Annual Food Price Report 2022. Think of dairy products (from 6 to 8%), vegetables (from 5 to 7%), bakery (from 5 to 7%), not to mention the rent! With the basic social assistance benefit, $726, it won’t be long before there’s not much left. So, despite the historic indexation of social assistance and a small additional check, the aid does not follow the cost of living. The poor are getting poorer again!

It’s hard to take when you’re a recipient of last resort assistance. In the Individual and Family Assistance Act, social assistance benefits are meant to cover nine basic needs. Honestly, these benefits cover maybe two or three; the rest is not covered at all or met by community organizations and charities. That’s when organisms are open and functional. Food banks are really running out of supplies. Indeed, the economic crisis increased their traffic by 40% last year and, lately, grocers said they suffered more losses due to theft. If organizations are at their wit’s end, imagine what it’s like for the people who use them. It’s no surprise that some people don’t scan all of their groceries at self-service checkouts.

Being in a state of constant survival wears it out, it wears it out. Not just the body, but the morale too. We are told that mental and physical health is important, but, frankly, it is impossible to maintain your health when you live on social assistance. Begging every month, being hungry, stressing nights out not knowing if you’re going to end up on the street, these are not optimal health conditions. Let’s face it, if there is ever a time not to go to the hospital, especially for completely avoidable problems, it is during a global pandemic.

In Quebec, 1.2 million people live below the poverty line, according to Centraide. A lot of people are going to suffer an inflation that these people cannot absorb. When will there be social programs that really allow people to get their heads above water, that at least allow everyone to have enough to eat?

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