Video length: 3 mins.
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The situation of establishments accommodating autistic and trisomic patients is worsening. It is due to the increasingly glaring lack of staff, to the point of having to part with some residents.
In a reception center located near Chambéry (Savoie), half the staff is missing. Caregivers, like Céline, find themselves understaffed to help residents manage their crises. For one of the patients, Ludovic, the lack of support is a source of anxiety and discomfort that can lead to crises.
Some residents have to leave
To take care of the 35 adults with autism and Down’s syndrome housed in the establishment, there are only 15 permanent staff; they should also be 35. Resignations, sick leave: for a year and a half, making a schedule has been almost impossible. The situation becomes dangerous for the residents. In 24 years of career, Étienne Michon, director of the structure, has never seen this. He must teach the families that he must part with certain boarders: out of 35, nine will have to leave.